Russell Croman Astrophotography  



Chaotic Galaxy M82

About This Photograph

Here we find a galaxy out of sorts, the victim of a recent gravitational assault by nearby galaxy M81. This has apparently triggered a burst of star formation within M82. The resulting activity, perhaps including a high rate of supernova explosions, is driving copious amounts of red glowing hydrogen gas and other material into intergalactic space.


Technical Details

Optics:20" f/8 RCOS Ritchey-Chrétien Cassegrain w/ Field Corrector.
Camera:SBIG STL-11000M.
Mount:Software Bisque Paramount ME.
Filters:SBIG Standard RGB.
Dates/Times:3 February 2005.
Location:Dimension Point Observatory, Mayhill, New Mexico.
Exposure Details:LRGB = 120:75:30:60 minutes,H-alpha = 9 hours.
Acquisition:MaxIm DL/CCD 4, TheSky6, CCDAutoPilot2.
Processing:MaxIm DL/CCD 4, Photoshop CS, GradientXTerminator.