Russell Croman Astrophotography  



The Moon

The Colors of the Moon

Jupiter, the Moon, and the Beehive Cluster

The Aristarchus Plateau

The Sun and the Moon

Crater Clavius

October 2004 Total Lunar Eclipse

22% Waxing Moon

The Moon and Mars
17 July 2003

Crater Plato & The Alpes Range

The Moon and Jupiter over Austin

Mare Humorum

The Full Moon

Shickard/Schiller Area

Crater Archimedes and The Apenninus Range


Craters near Mare Nubium

55% Waxing Moon

Crater Kepler

68% Waxing Moon

Crater Tycho and Rays

Mares Imbrium and Frigoris

77% Waxing Gibbous Moon

Sinus Iridum and Crater Herschel