Piggyback Mounting of a TeleVue NP-101
Recently I have been wanting to do some wide-field
imaging, and so acquired a TeleVue NP-101. To leverage my existing
equipment as much as possible (i.e., not buy a new mount), I sought a
way to use the 10" LX200GPS as the mount for the NP-101. The key was not
so much the weight involved, as the NP-101 only comes in at about 10
pounds. Rather, the hard part was getting the setup balanced in
both the R.A. and declination axes. Balance is critical for good
autoguiding performance, and probably also for the longevity of the
mount's motors and gear trains.
I made use of the Losmandy dovetail system both to mount
the NP-101 on the top of the LX200, and to attach adjustable weights to
the bottom of the OTA.

Each of the weights under the OTA weighs 5 pounds. A total of three of
these were needed to balance the NP-101 and mounting hardware plus the
focuser and the rather hefty ST-10XME CCD camera mounted at the rear.
The weights are adjustable in
two axes. They can be moved fore and aft by sliding along the dovetail
mounting plate. Also, the weights are threaded, so the leverage
(distance from the OTA) can be adjusted by screwing them in or out. They
easily clear the mount's base when the scope is pointed skyward.
In the setup shown, the scope
is perfectly dynamically balanced in both axes. That is, it will
stay balanced in both the R.A. and declination axes no matter where I
point it in the sky. This much harder to achieve than static
balance, wherein the scope will be balanced for one orientation, but go
out of balance if it is pointed elsewhere.
Another concern I had was the
additional stress that would be placed on the motors and gears when the
scope slews. Since it is balanced, there is no particular increase in
motor/gear load when simply tracking at the sidereal rate. But when the
scope starts or stops a fast slew, there is now a lot more mass to get
moving or to stop, and this does place additional stress on the system.
To address this, I changed the "max slew rate" setting in the LX200's
AutoStar controller to 2 degrees per second, instead of the default 8
degrees per second.
If you look closely, you'll
notice that I also re-used the modified
LX200GPS microfocuser/RoboFocus unit so I can automatically focus
the NP-101.
Requirements for good
autoguiding with the LX200GPS
There are a number of factors
which must be correct for good guiding with the LX200GPS. Probably most
of these apply to other mount systems as well. Note that only one of
these items is periodic error correction (PEC).
The mount must be balanced for good guiding. A heavy imbalance seems
to cause erratic behavior of the axis in question. With perfect polar
alignment, I suppose only the R.A. axis would need to be balanced, but
this not very practical. Also, the balance should be dynamic, which is
to say that the scope should remain balanced no matter where you point
it in the sky. This is much harder to achieve than mere static
balance, where the scope is balanced in one orientation but will
slowly go out of balance as it tracks the sidereal motion. Finally,
there should be just a bit of imbalance in the system,
weighting the R.A. axis to the east and the declination axis in either
direction. This keeps a bit of load on the gears, always in one
direction, and improves guiding behavior.
Backlash adjustment.
Both axes should be mechanically adjusted for minimum backlash.
Don't use electronic backlash compensation, as the small jump that
occurs when the motors reverse directions can cause a guiding error.
Sub-sidereal guiding
rate on R.A.
The guide rate on the R.A. axis should be set to something lower than
the sidereal rate. This way the motor never has to reverse direction
or stop to make a guide correction; it simply runs slightly slower for
a short time and lets the star "catch up" to where it is supposed to
Unencumbered mount.
The mount should have nothing dragging on it or dangling from it that
might interfere with its motion. I made the mistake once of routing my
camera cables and cooling hoses through one of the fork arm handles.
In some orientations, the cables were under slight tension, and as the
scope tracked, they would occasionally slip ever so slightly. This was
enough of a perturbation to cause up to a five arcsecond jump in R.A.,
ruining the exposure. Cables must be arranged so that they don't
unduly hang on the scope, but also so they do not encumber its motion.
Adaptive optics.
For long-exposure, high-resolution work on the LX200GPS, a tip-tilt
adaptive optics unit unfortunately seems to be an absolute necessity.
I use the SBIG AO-7 with good success. The update rate must be above
2Hz or so to keep up with the mount errors. Having PEC turned on and
well-trained seems to help here.